Here are a songs and videos from various Blueline Medic and Caustic Soda releases. Some
of the tunes are samples, others are full length songs and clips. Also, if you want more BLM/Caustic Soda tunes or vids, I
suggest you use KaZaA.
Also, if you are after Caustic Soda songs in particular, check this page from They have more or less everything except bleak young kid dis-knowledge. Enjoy - let us know if the links dont
work, so i can better update the site your usage.
Blueline Medic - Sleepyhead (Video)
Blueline Medic - Sleepyhead
Blueline Medic - Making the Nouveau Riche (video)
Blueline Medic - Up against the fault
Blueline Medic - Up against the fault (demo)
Blueline Medic - Plight 217
Blueline Medic - Shopping with a cartesain
Blueline Medic - Swan song swan dive
Blueline Medic - Where you are
Caustic Soda - Paper (plain and simple)
Caustic Soda - Typical observation song
Caustic Soda - A road affair
Caustic Soda - Romeo and Juliet (live)
Caustic Soda - Part and parcel
Caustic Soda - Untitled (Unreleased track from Femalevolence recording session)
Caustic Soda - Shuffle and scrape
Caustic Soda - Same ending, different story
Caustic Soda - Reason being
Caustic Soda - The Actor
Caustic Soda - Welcome to Dumpsville, population, YOU!! (demo)